Sunday, August 21, 2011


I talked with my Dad about moving, what to do with all our stuff. He's been in our position, not exactly but close enough. He lives in Seattle and a few years ago he moved from a two bedroom house to a boat. That's right my Dad lives on a boat. It took awhile to sink in for me too. So he knows a bit about reducing possessions. He gave me a very good suggestion, divide all our possessions into three piles. One to sell, one to take with us and one to store for the time being. Some things are immediately placeable, some things will take some discussion. I'd like to keep our new dining table, we just bought it and it's super cool. We need to take the computer with us, obviously. I'd like to sell or pass on all the clothes and toys the kids have outgrown. The kitchen poses the biggest problem for me. I'd like to take many things with us: knives, pans,  utensils. It's silly to take the small appliances because Prague runs on different voltage and the outlets are different too. I don't know how much we can take with us. Will we just take what we can carry over? Or will we ship more stuff with a moving company. I think it all comes down to cost. It also depends on how long we'll be there. If we'll only be there a year there's no sense in bringing our life with us. If we'll be there longer, why not? So we've got some interesting decisions to make over the next six months. We've decided to sell things off a bit at a time. It hopefully will ease us into the lack of stuff shock rather than jumping in all at once.

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