Monday, September 12, 2011


So in the spirit of clearing out our life in order to move to Prague in a year (and also to feel better about our life/house/world), I started cleaning out my pantry. This is something I normally do probably about twice a year usually around Thanksgiving and in the spring. But since I was pregnant last year and had a newborn this spring, it's been about two years since I went through the whole thing. As would be expected I found lots of expired food, some recently expired, some that expired last year. Yuck. I also found an opened bag of goldfish crackers from Costco. I can't even remember the last time I bought goldfish from Costco. Unfortunately I made the mistake of smelling it to see if they were still good. Yeah, some things you smell and can't ever unsmell them. Not cool. I also discovered Sasha and I have a problem. It has to do with cereal and chips. I found at least five bags of chips that had nothing but crumbs and probably ten boxes of cereal that had less than a bowl left. So instead of throwing them away we put them back in the pantry. So we have a new resolution that will hopefully keep our pantry clean. If there's less than a serving left in the bag, just throw it away! It shouldn't have to be said but I guess I had to say it. I'm also going to try not stocking up on dry goods. I will only buy pasta and soup when I run out. I will only buy what I need to cook for the next week. I feel like I'm in SA (squirrels anonymous) cause I'm stocking up nuts for the winter. Thankfully I'm a human and I can get food anytime from the store. So I will cut down and it will be good.

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