Wednesday, September 21, 2011


If I'm being honest with myself, I can admit the real reason behind my newfound desire to clean up. It's not cause I've been watching Hoaders. It's not that we're moving to Prague. Or I should say it's not only because of those things. About two months ago I had a follow-up with my doctor. It was supposed to be checking up on my thyroid medication but it happened to be a rough day at work and I ended up crying, complaining about my life. After speaking with me, he suggested I start taking an antidepressant. I wouldn't have said I was depressed, just that work sucked, other drivers on the road sucked, my kids sucked sometimes, etc. But looking back now, I think I've been depressed for years. Maybe since Dacian was born. I think the change happened so gradually that I didn't notice. Dealing with mom definitely made it worse. I've just been letting life pass me by for the last four years.
But all that's changed. I feel energized to clean, to organize. I'm cooking more than I have in years, trying out new recipes, perfecting old ones. I've had a binder filled with recipes I've printed out that I've been meaning to hole punch and get organized...for the last 3 years. Somehow it's never gotten done. So now, I've bought an app for the Mac that I can type them all in, categorize and rate them. I've been doing a few a night and am slowly plodding through. I've been meaning to clean out the closet forever. I got that mostly done last weekend, still organizing but it looks better than it has ever. I ended up donating 12 bags of clothes to Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
I feel better about being a mom. Dacian is very irritating, like most four-year olds I'm sure, but I've been more patient with him and more willing to get down on the floor and play. We've been doing more activities as a family too. I think Dacian notices and appreciates the change in me.
And work...? Well, work sucks. Let me rephrase that...WORK SUCKS!!! I thought it was horrible before, when I felt like shit. Now that I feel so much better, it's amazing how crappy work is. I feel underappreciated and harassed. It's to the point where I don't even care if I get fired. I like the work I do, I do a good job, I am pleasant and helpful. But I couldn't care less. My doctor actually told me to look for a new job because mine was stressing me out too much. Not very practical advice in this economy but I appreciate the sentiment.
So I feel better in all aspects of my life, except work. For now that's acceptable. I'm willing to sacrifice 40 hours a week to being (not miserable, not even unhappy) let's go with grumpy. I will take pleasure in my home, my husband, my children, cooking good food and reading.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are feeling better!

    I had about six months of waking up feeling like I was carrying something heavy after Daniel died. I know it isn't the same thing, but I just didn't have any energy to spare and everything was kind of monochromatic. It's a huge difference when that eases.

    Don't really know what else to say (and I hope you don't mind the random comments!) but I do hope that everything continues to improve.
